Monday, December 01, 2008

Enough Is Enough...Just another slogan

The last time I wrote was when some incidents perturbed me to such an extent that I had to get out what I felt. Few days later, my worst fears are taking shape. The Mumbai Massacre as it’s called is the main topic of argument.

Ever since we have had the Mumbai Massacre we keep saying Enough Is Enough. I know I may not be forgiven here, but I feel I need to differ. Enough is enough sounds nothing better than a political party’s slogan like Congress ka haath, aam aadmi ke saath. I wish to ask everyone, each & everyone as to what has infuriated us so much this time that we have actually come on the streets demanding answers. As far as my intellect takes me, it is simply because we have never seen an attack so severe. We never ever thought that an ordeal could last 60 hrs. all this while, we were used to those quick 20 minute bomb blasts & then ordinary people helping one another. Secondly, it was the Taj in question. The Taj or the jewel in the palace as one would say. This is probably the first time that the rich have felt unsafe. Probably this is the reason that Bombay was under the worldwide media glare. The Taj & the Oberoi-Trident did have guests of many different nationalities. If you ever doubt my perception then here’s a small query. How many news channels actually talk about VT railway station, Cama Hospital, Metro cinema casualties? There were more blast sites right? What about them? Weren’t lives lost there too? Or as compared to the elite living in Taj & Oberoi-Trident these are insignificant? Why have all the synagogues across the world decided to observe 26th November as a day of grief in remembrance of just 2 of its citizens? Why are we Indians treated as thrash & the death of one of us as ordinary?

Everywhere you go, you will find people asking questions as to why? What are the people who are entrusted with the job of protecting us doing? What should we do now? I’m quite surprised to know that people have even gone to the extent of saying that we are not going to pay taxes. We should go & demolish all the terrorist camps that have sprung all across PoK & Pakistan. In a state of fury such statements are legible, but come to think of it practically they're ILL-LEGITIMATE. If you ever think that these things are practically possible, then you're probably in LALALAND & need to be awoken from your deep slumber. These high vocals of protest of such anger are not going to yield anything except damage to one’s own health & nothing else.

You may have often heard on TV that we as citizens of this country need to exercise our vote carefully. We should make sure that those elected should be just & upright. I would like to ask the same people, whom are they talking about? Why they don’t understand that voting in India is nothing but choosing the Best out of the Worst. Everytime we see the same people contesting from the same constituency. Everytime the same person wins. Probably he has 9 criminal cases to his name as compared to the other who has 10. Secondly election is India is a big farce. We are made to choose people who are truly non-competent. This non-competent guy then goes ahead & handles an all-important portfolio which he is absolutely inept at. Thus the only condition for being a person holding power is to win an election. To do this, I just need to flaunt my popularity image, my muscle & money power. If I am successful at that then I will have thousands of chamchaas around me the same way bees encircle a flower.

There is also a demand that we should declare a period of national emergency to get things straight. I’m all for it. All I ask “Will it ever happen?” Sadly NO. No political party will agree to it. You see all our politicians have much to lose in this deal. Firstly, they would lose their salary. Now that runs into a pretty huge sum I would say. More importantly, do you realize how much time would be lost which could be spent in amassing huge wealth? Not to forget, if ever their scams are unearthed then it would spell disaster for the man in question. His clean image would be marred forever. After all things are put straight & India is returned her pristine glory, things would again be the same. Just like the time at independence & now.

Another angle to this incident is the Pakistan angle. I would like to ask; when would we learn to think as grown-ups. Every terrorist attack in this country is blamed on Pakistan. After getting credible evidence against Pakistan, we tell them to hand over to us those involved. Has Pakistan all these years paid even the slightest heed to our demands. NO. But yet like small children we run about yelling & pointing the finger at Pakistan. I mean why? What for? Pakistan is not to be blamed. India is. We very well know that our neighbor has probably nothing better to do than coming up with plans to annihilate us. But yet like old fools we continue to be a soft target for all of them. Why don’t we develop our security to such an extent that forget Pakistan, tomorrow even if Australia desires to attack us its plans never materialize. Its clearly a case where we point a finger at the other forgetting that three are pointing back at me.

In my earlier blog, I had spoken about the whole concept about India being a so-called country. Till today, since birth people keep on telling me that I belong to a particular religion, I belong to a particular region. When will the day finally arrive when people will tell me that I am simply an Indian…that too with no strings attached?

If we really want to change things then change should be complete. Not just a mere part of it. There should be changes in each & every department & that too with the celerity that it requires. A Harshad Mehta should be tried, convicted & should complete his sentence in his lifetime. Timely death should not be the ultimate punishment. If possible, corporal punishment should be awarded which will prove to be a deterrent for others. A high profile person giving inflammatory speeches against a particular section of people should be persecuted in the same way as an ordinary citizen is. A non-baillable warrant should be a non-baillable warrant & not just on the face of it. It is truly sad to say that we Indians don’t deserve democracy. We truly require the autocratic & imperialist rule that we are used to. In the ancient times we had just one English governor for the entire presidency. Today we have Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, MoS, etc, etc, etc. But yet, even together they are no match for the ability of that one governor. I am truly sorry for being a pessimist, but I guess it’s easy to convince yourself this way rather than being optimistic & see your hopes & aspirations of a better country go up in flames.

At last, the need of the hour is to channelize our anger, frustration in a proper way. This brings to mind an incident that took place years ago in USA. A son was returning home after years of education in another state. During this period the mother never saw her son. To return home, the son hired a cab. Unfortunately the cab driver was drunk. The son met with an accident & died on the spot. Imagine what the mother might have undergone? The mother’s anger knew no bounds. She was so angry that she formed MADD – Mothers Against Drunken Driving. This premier NGO in the US makes sure that people who drink & drive are brought to book. A common saying in Hindi says that the reply to a brick thrown should be a stone. I do not say that we need to hurl a stone at our enemy. I just say that we shouldn’t forget that somebody had the cheek to throw a brick at us. Together by looking in the interests of the country as a whole & not of a region or religion we will be able to make a difference. Yes We Can!!!

So, till we meet again. Take care, God Bless You & May God Bless India.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are right...the blame game should end..the attack should have never happened in the first place...we should own up our security loopholes and stop seeking sympathy..