Friday, November 13, 2009

Raj Thackeray: The uncalled-for Hero.

Raj Thackeray is to the Marathi people what the Spanish were to Christianity, a perfect bad example. In fact, Raj has so well lived up to this task that if you ask any Bombay city lover what is his worst fear, he’ll say Mr.Raj coming up with some of his paintras.

Starting from agitations about North Indians filling up posts to getting all sign boards in Marathi, this guy just seems to go on and on (I wonder what’s the secret behind such tremendous stamina). If that all was not enough, he went up to the extent of pulling up KJ’s movie just for the use of Bombay instead of Mumbai. Whatever Raj or his party workers and loyalists claim, I feel that Raj is nothing but a man of double standards.

If the Maharashtrians think that Raj is their friend then let me tell you or rather warn you. Raj is neither there for you nor for me. He may speak of many things like if necessary taking birth a thousand times to protect the rights of Maharashtrians (this same line seems to be on the lips of every MNS worker who’s caught for creating some ruckus). You only have to protect the rights of people whose rights are trampled upon. Which employer says that he will not give Maharashtrian’s jobs? If jobs were give on the basis of caste and creed you would only see one section of the country developing. Jobs are given to the competent and not for any other reason. When a job applicant applies for a job, the employer only sees to of what benefit he will be for the organization. He doesn't see that because he is a North Indian it’s good. Nothing like that.

If Maharashtrians are nowhere where it comes to having high posts and degrees then no other but they themselves are to blame. Who told the Maharashtrian’s to be so lazy and lethargic? Why is it that they are always associated with everything that’s slow and dumb? Don’t the Maharashtrian’s students have the intellect to crack exams like CAT, IAS, etc. Who stopped them from putting up stalls besides the so called outsiders? Just because Bombay geographically lies in Maharashtra that doesn't mean that the Maharashtrians can exercise they're right over it. All Maharashtrians should look back on their history. There was a time when Maharashtrian’s were considered pioneers and stalwarts. The beauty of the Marathi language and songs has inspired one and all. But that does not mean by just banking upon your past your future is going to be bright. Though Sachin Tendulkar may have 17K runs to his credit, yet he has to give his best everytime he plays. Unfortunately I think my Maharashtrian friends may have forgotten this. By showing through brutal force that you are a Maharashtrian does not help. Infact it attracts only strong criticism and flak. Rise to the top through hardwork and perseverance. All the Maharashtrian stalwarts too did the same. Shivaji didn’t steal his right from others, he commanded it.

If you think that just because Raj is fighting for Maharashtrian’s so he’s good. Let me tell you that he only fights for his agenda and getting all the media attention to get ahead in politics. Something that he has inherited from this uncle. Not surprising, whenever Raj lands up doing something, after a few days you see the other Sena too raising up the issue. Is this a case of one beating the other or some internally decided explicit timing? If Raj Thackeray is so much in love with Mumbai, then why doesn't he change the Bombay Stock Exchange(BSE) to MSE; the Bombay High Court to Mumbai High Court and the IIT-Bombay to IIT-Mumbai. Why did he have a problem with Bombay being used in Wake up Sid and not Rock On? Why does Raj only see to the affairs in Bombay? Why doesn't he see to the backward areas of Maharashtra where majority of people live below poverty lines? After all in Raj’s own words, Bombay alone is not Maharashtra. Unfortunately, Raj will never do that. Why? Simply because there's no media attention in it. It’s also unfortunate to know that where Raj should have being dealt with an iron fist, he was dealt with a velvet glove. The congress party keeping they’re vote bank in mind have allowed Raj to grow, rather than nipping him in the bud. History is a witness that in cases where one uses the other for his own gains he lands up being the biggest loser. During the times of the cold war, the US supplied arms, ammunition and monetary assistance to terrorist outfits like the Taliban to fight the Russians so as to curb the ever growing power of the USSR. Today the US is themselves fighting it. Its their so called own creation.

If you think that the other Sena is good then also let me tell you this. This Sena has attacked many communities too in the past. When the Gujrati's played a pivotal role in the affairs, the Sena had a problem. Even so, they removed all the local station names that were in Gujrati. On seeing the south Indians putting up hotels and road side food joints, they attacked them. It seems that these two Sena’s are nothing but two sides of the same coin. Instead of working in a constructive manner for the Maharashtrians(like as if they are its rightful caretakers) like educating them, grooming them, providing job opportunities they teach them to destroy and bring about an atmosphere of fear. Why do I get the feeling that this is the same that the jihadi groups do?

Raj Thackeray talks about a progressive Maharashtra, but how is it supposed to the progress when the damages done by Raj and his band of hooligan’s runs in crores of Rupees. Is Raj and his MNS ready to pay for all the damages caused? Moreover is Raj a real well wisher of Maharashtra? If yes, then what about his alleged irregularity of funds in the Kohinoor Mills’ deal?

With respect to the attack on north Indians and also on Abu Azmi I would just say that instead of seeing outside Raj should first see within. His own son hasn’t taken Marathi in college. His son studied and studies in an English medium institution. Around 95% of all Maharashtrian families send their children to English medium schools. I think from now on, they should send them to Marathi medium schools. I wonder how many will be in favour for it.
If Raj feels that all outsiders have come and taken up jobs leaving none for the locals, then he should be happy and proud of the attacks on Indians in Australia as the same thing is going on there. The Australians are probably feeling too that the Indians are taking up they're seats in universities and jobs. So Raj should now either come out in the open expressing his happiness or should stop parents from sending they're students abroad altogether.

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