Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Women combat pilots in the IAF: A Boon or a Bane?

I in no way mean to offend anyone. All that I’m trying to do is offer my opinion to this sea of opinions that has already been created against/for the statement made by the IAF Vice Chief Air Marshal P K Barbora regarding women combat pilots. For those who don’t know what he has said, here is his statement.

“Nature's way of life is that you get married, bring up a family. Now the latest position on ladies flying is that if a lady goes into family way, she is off-duty for 10 out of 12 months. Now while we can always utilize... a lady in some other job, but in the pure profession in which we have invested so much if the poor lady herself who has contributed so much... if we cannot utilise... then it is not fruitful for either party. But we are looking at it and in a few more years we can see a change coming with certain pre-conditions."

Before allowing my mind to take a sortie of its own, I would like to say one thing. Why is it that everyone in India gets opinionated on every topic. In one way it’s good to have one, but it’s not necessary. I say this in response to the way our news channels and the press operates. Its good to give news, but giving news painted with a certain hue is not good. By offering this kind of news, you are forcing the listener/reader to think in a particular fashion. News should be given in such an impartial manner that it allows the listener to take his own stand if he must. The onus should lie on the listener as to which side he wants to be on. That is something that’s called impartial journalism.

Now coming back to the statement. I have listened to the IAF Vice Chief atleast twice now. To be honest I don’t feel he has said anything wrong. In fact he himself has tried to clarify that he sees no difference in the capabilities of a man and a woman. But the facts that he is pointing out to are true and cannot be denied. Unfortunately, the IAF is a 24x7x365 institution. There are no excuses for being absent. The times ahead are uncertain. If the war bugles are sounded, everyone has to report for duty. After all, just like football, a single player being absent changes the balance of the team. In war, every single pilot is a prized possession. Not having even a single one at your service is like operating with a handicap. If a woman combat pilot is pregnant, then as per the IAF she gets a maternity leave of 10 months. That means for 10 out of 12 months she is out of service. What during her leave, the nation goes to war? No one can demand or expect her to press herself into service in that critical condition. Unfortunately, she will have to be left behind.

Though I personally don’t like equating money with people, but it shouldn’t also be ignored. To train a combat pilot costs the exchequer a sum of 11 crores. 11 crores is no big deal where the nation and its security is concerned, but that money when it goes down the drain is unfortunate.

Another concern is what if these women pilots are taken as POW’s (Prisoners Of War). Already we have if not seen atleast heard of the ghastly tortures that the POW’s are made to undergo. Human rights violations, sexual, physical and mental abuse, etc. If all these things take place where men are involved wouldn’t it be worse if women were prisoners?

Another discussion is that women are inducted as combat pilots in US, China and even Pakistan, then why not India. Well at the onset, I would like to actually meet the man/woman who came up with such a phrase. Before asking him/her for the reasons behind such a phrase, I would actually want to ask her as to where was she all these years? Doesn't he/she know that India and the rest of the world are not just different but greatly different? In US you have tough laws, unbiased and lawful judiciary imparting justice not only impartially but also promptly, a serious clampdown on corruption, not allowing people who without any sense fight for the enforcement of a particular language to take law in their own hands, cleanliness and obedience. If India and US were so similar, you wouldn’t have any difference as of today. Everyone of us should realize that India is India and the US is the US. If in the US people look at the system to better the nation, in India we look at the system to search for loopholes which we can take advantage of. Just because it happens in some other nation, it doesn’t mean it will work in India too. Here in India, unfortunately things are not understood, they need to be explicitly mentioned. There have to be guidelines speaking of what protocol needs to be followed by all in times of need. Once decided there can be no two-way about it.

I wouldn’t say that I stand for the Vice Chief neither would say I stand against him. All I would like to say is to offer an unbiased opinion on the subject. I believe that a woman and a man are equal in every right. But unfortunately, biology doesn't agree. If it did, then men too would get a paternity leave. So, if you're a woman then please don’t see this issue being a woman. Place yourself in an unbiased position and judge. Only then formulate your opinion.

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