Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I am Proud of my ‘So-called Country’ India…

I am proud of the country where the ideals of our freedom fighters are remembered only during election times.

I am proud of the country where the streets & the surroundings are nothing but a vast public latrine.

I am proud of the country where basic amenities meant for the poor & needy are instead used by the rich & powerful.

I am proud of the country where disputes regarding the country’s resources are a daily affair.

I am proud of the country where justice takes years to attain.

I am proud of the country where the same guilty people always come to power in every election.

I am proud of the country where the people are not held accountable for their actions.

I am proud of the country where one community thinks of outnumbering the other by means of violence & destruction.

I am proud of the country where very citizen takes his freedom for granted.

I am proud of the country where its people have got caught entangled in the various laws & by-laws.

I am proud of the country where a 15 minute government job takes a minimum of 15 months.

I am proud of the country where red-tapism is the government agencies trademark.

I am proud of the country where its very own people look out for & destroy its own property.

I am proud of the country where the people are given a false impression of ‘Saare Jahan Se Accha, Hindustan Hamara’.

I am proud of the country where its people have no problem in dirtying it, but the same people in a foreign land stay away from.

I am proud of the country where being a literate means just being able to sign.

I am proud of the country where the minimum criteria for being a peon is Std X pass, but to be the Prime Minister even a Std V pass would do.

I am proud of the country where the facilities given to a minister for better implementation of his duties are used by his family to attend personal events.

I am proud of the country which though being the world’s largest producer of milk & wheat yet its every citizen is not guaranteed 1 roti & 1 glass of milk daily.

I am proud of the country where the law of the land is only for laymen & not for high profile people like ministers or people of power.

I am proud of the country where the number of pending cases in the Supreme Court is around 35 Lakh & no idea how many in the State & District courts.

I am proud of the country where before holding a person guilty his caste, creed & origins are taken into consideration.

I am proud of the country where freedom of speech, freedom of religion & other fundamental rights are only bound to the pages of the constitution.

I am proud of the country where its people are proud to flaunt their caste.

I am proud of the country where in a world of competition people look for reservations & resort to destruction of public property in order to get it sanctioned.

I am proud of the country where even after so many years questions are raised about an individual’s loyalty to his motherland.

I am proud of the country where an individual see’s to his betterment before the betterment of his nation & countrymen.

I am proud of the country where being an honest man is perhaps the worst crime.

I am proud of the country where holding a position of office is seen as a chance to amass wealth rather than a chance to serve with honesty & dedication.

I am proud of the country where laws are put aside just to attain political advantage.

I am proud of the country where its citizens feel unsafe even in the safety of their homes.

I am proud of the country where the death of its citizens is treated as an ordinary thing.

I am proud of the country where the innocent are penalized while the guilty are left scot free.

I am proud of the country where its people are looked upon only & only as a large vote bank & nothing else.

I am proud of the country where the meaning of ‘public servant’ varies from its actual meaning.

I am proud of the country where there are 43 political parties filled with relatives & people who are mostly incapable of governing the nation or have a long criminal record.

I am proud of the country where ministers having no previous knowledge of a particular office are given ministries to handle.

I am proud of the country where a justice seeking person’s character is maligned while that of the accused is glorified.

I am proud of the country each and every thing is given a religious hue.

I am proud of the country where the parliament is nothing other than a comedy circus.

I am proud of the country where its leaders itself don’t have any manners or etiquettes.

I am proud of the country where the people of 1 state are much more interested in the well being of its people in another sovereign country.

I am proud of the country where people living in a state for decades are termed as ‘outsiders’ & forcibly sent back.

I am proud of the country which has countless problems but no solutions.

I am proud of the union of 28 states & 7 Union Territories. I am proud of my ‘so-called country’ called India.

I am sad, depressed, disheartened & frustrated on seeing the incidents happening in India over the past few days. At such a time what do you expect someone to do? Let’s make an honest confession. Can we say that we are proud citizens of this country? Can we say that we are an emerging superpower? Or are we fooling ourselves by that never achievable dream?

We have everything that it takes to be the best. The best of talent, the work force, everything. The only thing required is the will, more importantly the political will. Till that comes nothing is achievable.

It is time for a new freedom struggle. Freedom from fear, freedom from injustice, freedom from caste, creed & other differences. The time has come. Let’s make a difference.

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