Friday, February 24, 2006

Hello dear fellow Netizens,
Well i'm thankful to all for making this site hugely popular & spreading the word. Hoping that you'll will keep clicking the ads as well & avail of some amazing offers. As promised the better & fresher look of this site is in the pipeline, but looking at the tremendous response for this site i wonder whether i should actually go in for something new (Just Kidding). Well as nothing is permanent, so too this look will change for the better, this is an untiring effort from my side. If you'll are going ga-ga over this site then please do tell me, if there are any errors then also let me know, because there is always scope for improvement.
Before signing off i would like to share a small thought with you. Practically everyone in India owns a mobile. Infact not owning a mobile could be called as a status symbol. The one single communication device has now evolved into such a dynamic device which people cannot live without. Now we have mobiles with 2 megapixel cameras with flash, stereo music player, FM radio, etc...The point that i'm trying to emphasise is that have we forgotten the main aim of a mobile which is to keep people in touch. Its not that i'm trying to discourage people from buying the high end mobiles but what i'm doing is that remind people that a mobile is mere a communication device. The extra features are add-on's. At this time i'm reminded of a short story which goes like this.
In a very distant & remote village where the people were all illiterate & not a ray of civilisation had dawned came a missionary. he didnt have any plan of religion but of just development. He lived amongst the people & taught them many things. Amongst the most important was how to make fire. That single discovery was for them magnum opus. With that discovery they made metals, used it for lighting & improved their lifestyle. Seeing his mission accomplished the missionary made up his mind to leave & move to another place to carry out his work. Hearing about the decision the villagers were all sad. So the missionary promised to return when his work would be over in the other village.As a parting gift they decided to thank him for his gift of fire. So in his name they built statues, named roads, schools, etc after him. They continued to do this for many years so as to surprise the missionary when he came back. When finally the day dawned, the missionary did come back. He saw the new construction & was very happy. Now all he wanted to see was the creation of fire. This caught the villagers in a fix. After all these years they had forgotten how to create fire. They had achieved everything, but the thing that had made them able to do all this was forgotten.
So coming back. I hope we dont forget what is the main purpose of a mobile. If we own one we should use it responsibly.
Ending with a short incident that happened a few days back. Hoping you have a wonderful week ahead. So till we meet GoodBye & please take Good care of yourself.

This is a real incident that happened in a local hospital in Bangalore.A four year old girl was admitted due to leg fracture. As it was an open fracture, she had to undergo an operation to stitch the protruding bone back in place.Though it was quite a minor operati on, she was hooked on to a life support system, as a part of the process. The doctors had to input some data prior to the operation to suit different conditions.
Thereafter, the operation proceeded. Half way through the process, the life support system suddenly went dead.
The culprit: "Someone was using his/ her mobile phone outside the operation theatre. And the frequency had affected the system. They tried to track the fellow but to no avail. The little girl, young and innocent as she was, died soon after. Sad to say, she was the only child.Message :- Be compassionate!
Do not use your mobiles especially at any hospitals or within the Aircraft or any places where you are told not to use it. You might not be caught in the act, but you might have killed someone without knowing.
Sometimes it's a matter of Life & Death....!!!!

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